4+ jaar ervaring

Bij Kodixa bieden we academische ondersteuning aan studenten via onze thesis consulting services. Met begeleiding bij het schrijven van een thesis staan ​​we in elke fase van het proces aan uw zijde en bieden we de hoogste kwaliteit service met ons deskundige team. Via de consultancy services die we aanbieden aan master- en Ph.D. studenten, helpen we u uw academische doelen te bereiken.


Oplossingen voor academische uitdagingen waarmee u wordt geconfronteerd

Problemen met Tijdbeheer

Het schrijven van een scriptie kan een grote uitdaging zijn voor degenen die moeite hebben om tijd vrij te maken in een druk schema.
Oplossing: Kodixa biedt advies over tijdbeheer en helpt je om je proces te plannen met specifieke doelen.

Moeilijkheden bij het Vinden van Academische Bronnen

Het vinden van de juiste en betrouwbare academische bronnen verhoogt de kwaliteit van je onderzoek.
Oplossing: Onze ervaren adviseurs helpen je bij het vinden van toegang tot academische databases en helpen je de meest geschikte bronnen te vinden.

Bezorgdheid over Originaliteit en Plagiaat

Originaliteit in academisch werk is cruciaal, en het vermijden van plagiaat is een zorg voor veel studenten.
Oplossing: Kodixa ondersteunt je bij het produceren van origineel werk en het uitvoeren van plagiaatcontroles, zodat je werk voldoet aan de academische ethiek.

Uitdagingen bij Redigeren en Formatteren

Het volgen van academische regels voor het opmaken en redigeren van je scriptie kan soms verwarrend zijn.
Oplossing: Onze experts bieden professionele ondersteuning en werken zorgvuldig door de fasen van redactie en opmaak van je scriptie.

Bereik Succes met Professionele Ondersteuning!

Kodixa staat aan je zijde met ervaren adviseurs bij elke stap van je scriptieproces. We begeleiden je bij het voorbereiden van origineel, hoogwaardig academisch werk dat op tijd wordt geleverd.


Onze diensten

literature review

Our consultants help you choose the topic that is the basis of your study and conduct a literature review using existing academic studies.

Hypothesis development

Our experienced team will guide you as you determine the main questions and hypotheses of your research, ensuring academic accuracy.

Data analysis (SPSS, Excel, etc.)

We analyze your data using tools such as SPSS and Excel and support you in obtaining reliable results for your work.

Text editing and referencing

We provide expert support in arranging your thesis in accordance with academic rules and correct referencing.

Publishing guidance

We provide information and guidance on the processes required to have your thesis published in academic journals.

Master's and Doctoral Studies...

We provide professional support at every stage of your master's and doctoral studies, ensuring that you produce a successful thesis.

4+ Years of Experience

Kodixa Consulting

About Us


Kodixa Consultancy is an innovative company that has made a name for itself in the academic field. Established in 2019, Kodixa Consultancy started with a unique vision of providing up-to-date and original works in academic and scientific studies with its expert team. Our company is managed by a dynamic team, aiming to offer the highest quality services to its clients.

Customer Reviews

Emily K.

Tez danışmanlığı sürecinde Kodixa ekibi gerçekten harika bir iş çıkardı. Özellikle zaman yönetimi konusunda bana çok yardımcı oldular. Her adımda yanımda oldular ve tezimi başarılı bir şekilde teslim ettim.

James C.

Tez yazımı sürecinde ne yapacağımı bilemezken Kodixa ile tanıştım. Hipotez geliştirme ve veri analizi konularında inanılmaz derecede destek oldular. Çalışmalarımda bu kadar ileri gidebileceğimi düşünmezdim.

Sophie J.

Tezim için özgünlük ve akademik kaynak bulma konusunda sıkıntı yaşıyordum, fakat Kodixa sayesinde bu sorunları aştım. Tüm süreç boyunca profesyonel bir destek aldım. Harika bir ekip! Çok teşekkür ederim

Michael K.

Referanslama ve düzenleme kısmında sürekli hata yapıyordum, ama Kodixa sayesinde tezimi akademik kurallara uygun hale getirdim. Hızlı ve etkili geri dönüşleri sayesinde süreci çok rahat atlattım.

Olivia C.

Tezimde veri analizi konusunda gerçekten zorlanıyordum, ama Kodixa ekibi bana büyük bir kolaylık sağladı. Sonuçlarımın doğru olmasını sağlayarak tezimi başarıyla tamamlamama yardımcı oldular. Teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum. Çok iyi bir ekip.

David J.

Kodixa’nın sunduğu hizmetler sayesinde tezimi profesyonel bir şekilde hazırladım. Yayınlama rehberliği konusunda verdikleri destek, çalışmamı bir adım öne çıkardı. Herkese tavsiye ederim! İyi ki Kodixa diyebilirim..

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

KODIXA Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Our thesis consulting service covers all stages, from topic selection to literature review, hypothesis development to data analysis, and text editing and referencing. Additionally, we provide guidance for publishing your thesis in academic journals.

No, we provide consulting services for both undergraduate and graduate (Master's and Ph.D.) studies. Regardless of your academic level, we offer support tailored to your needs.

In the data analysis process, we use popular tools such as SPSS, Excel, MATLAB, Maxqda, Envivo, Amos, and G-Power. Additionally, we can offer different analysis methods based on your needs.

You can reach us by filling out the contact form on our website. When you specify your needs, our consultants will contact you as soon as possible and start the process.

Success is not a coincidence.

We offer you the best result guarantee with the most suitable consultant and expert staff for your work subject. Contact us now.


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